Friday, November 12, 2010

Working Mom

So today was my own personal Take Your Daughter to Work day.  

I was supposed to have yesterday off for Veterans Day - but due to scheduling things I ended up working.  So my supervisor let me work a short day today.  So I took Cassidy with me.  We had a blast and she was totally the hit of the office.  She was REALLY well behaved and I actually got everything done that I needed to get done today.  I'm very fortunate to have such a well behaved baby.  I wouldn't take her every day though!

 On the subject of work. . . .

I'm a working mom - and I'm OK with that.  I love my daughter and I love spending time with her- but I would be a horrible stay at home mom.  I think that its great when mom's can stay at home to raise their kids.  For most of my memory my mom either worked at home or was home when we got home from school.  It's just not me!  And I'm tired of being made to feel guilty about it! 

We are very fortunate that my husband (Colin) and I have different schedules and he is home with her for the majority of the day and I get the evenings.  With my parents so close she stays with them for the 2 hours of overlap that we have 4 days a week.  He's a great stay at home dad and he really enjoys it. 

And still - despite the fact that it is 2010 and many many women work outside the there are those who are surprised and even critical of the fact that I work!  (Note: my husband and family are supportive and I appreciate that)

Point in case: Recently I met a couple of other moms in a playroom at RMH with their kids.  Conversation ensued and I was enjoying it at first - until I made a comment about something that happened at work.  And both women stopped what they were doing and looked at me totally aghast.  One of them said "You work?" with a tone that set me aback.  I explained that my husband stayed home and I worked and they seemed shocked that I would work when one of us doesn't have to (they didn't seem to realize that we BOTH work) The conversation suddenly took a turn and the new topic: How important it is for a MOM to stay home with their children. 

Cassidy and I left the playroom.  I was really angry - and it still burns.  How does me working mean I love my child any less?  (Answer - it doesn't!)

1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing woman and mother, and Cassidy has a very loving family. What you do works for you! And thats all thats important. I'm sorry those ladies made the comments they did, and made you feel devalued.
