Monday, June 6, 2011

Waitinng for Weight Loss

Every new mom (and many not-so-new-moms) feel the burden of the extra weight they gained during - and sometimes before - their pregnancy.  I was the same.  I was also determined to be at my goal weight by Cassidy's first birthday.  Initially I was driven and stuck to it. By the time I went back to work in August after the summer break I'd lost over 40 pounds.  Yay me!  Unfortunately I let life get in the way and slowly slipped back into bad habits.  About 3 months ago I weighed myself and found that I'd gained about 5 pounds back.  Not to bad, but there was no way I was going to even lose all the baby weight by Cassidy's birthday, let alone get to my goal.  I decided to make a new goal and get back in gear.  I thought I was doing really well.  Slipping up here and there, but overall improving my eating habits.  I switched to diet soda (most of the time) and tried to stop snacking.  I started eating popcorn instead of chips and chicken instead of steak. 

Sounds good right . . . ?  Well, apparently not so much.  I weighed myself for the first time in those 3 months today, and was devastated to find out I had GAINED 9 pounds!!!  So, I am at (gulp) 225lbs.  Yes you heard me.  As humiliating as it is to admit that I weigh that much it is more humiliating to KNOW that I weigh that much. 

The time for excuses is over.  No more "I just had a baby".  No more "I only had time for McDonald's" and no more "But I really wanted  . . . ".

So, I joined Weight Watchers Online today.  I know several people who have had success using the program and I hope that I can be sucessful too.  Scratch that - I WILL be successful.  Today a friend/co-worker of mine and I created a motivational presentation based on Yoda's famous words "Do or do not, there is no try."  And there's my motivation - I'm not going to TRY to lose weight.  I'm going to DO it.  I'm going to need some help and some support, but I will get there.


  1. I'm inspired by your drive and will be here for you every step of the way! :)

  2. Thanks Lindsey. Day two has gone well thus far!
