Thursday, June 9, 2011

Temper Tantrums and Potty Break

Cassidy has been growing like a weed.  She is so tall that dresses size 18month are too short on her (and she's only 14 months old)!!!!  She is talking more and more (new words include: baby, puppy, night night, bear, mickey, Gram and many more).  She is using a spoon to feed herself and manages to get most of it in her mouth even.

Unfortunately we've also begun to encounter the dreaded TEMPER TANTRUM.  Cassidy will hit, scream, and/or throw herself down on the floor to cry when she doesn't get what she wants.  It is decidedly unpleasant.  I'm hoping that it will pass quickly, but it so far it is not fun.

Another interesting development - could my baby be ready to potty train?  The past two days when she pees or dirties her diaper she goes off by herself, squats, and does her business.  Then she comes back to either me or Gram (if she's at Gram's house) and grabs the front of her diaper and says "peepee".

Could this mean its time to buy a potty?  Now don't get me wrong - I don't want to push my baby girl into something she's not ready for.  But - I also don't want to wait if she's ready.  I can't believe that a baby so young would be ready to potty train, but I suppose stranger things have happened . . .

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca I have seen children her age potty trained for more than a month already. She is bright and sounds ready to me. Liam hated dirty diapers and would use the potty chair for BM's by the time he was 10 months old. Wet diapers took longer. But I never pushed him. Give her the chair as an option catcher going to hide and put her on a time or 2 and see where she goes.
