Monday, April 25, 2011

Finding a Routine

One of the great things about my job is that I'm contracted to work the same schedule as school year teachers (plus a couple of extra weeks on each end of the school year).  Which means that with Easter comes Easter break!  So I've been off work for the last 6 days.  I've really enjoyed spending the extra time at home with Colin and Cassidy.  Colin and I actually got to go out on a date!  And Cassidy and I slowly started to get into a new bedtime routine.  Our routine until this point has been - no routine at all. 

So, our bedtime routine is now. Bath at 6PM, followed by a 15 minute tantrum from 6:20 - 6:35 when I take her out of the tub and attempt to get her dressed (we're working on this). Then we visit with Daddy, the volunteers, and (sometimes) the guests upstairs in the main part of the (Ronald McDonald) House.  Then we come back home, read a story and I lay her down with a bottle (also trying to get rid of this - but its a slow process).  Sometimes she takes the bottle and goes right to sleep and sometimes she plays and sometimes she fusses, but usually she's asleep between 7:30 and 8. 

Not too bad of a routine, especially when you consider that we didn't really have one before.  My worry is that when I get back to work (TOMORROW!) our routine is going to fall apart.  Now she hasn't really suffered from the lack of routine - but I think I have! 

Arhg.  Well until this point I've been trying to live in the moment and enjoy whatever is happening with our little family as it happens rather than missing the past or worrying about what comes next.  So, I guess the best course of action is - no action at all.  Whatever happens, happens! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Doritos, Harry Potter, and Housework

My little girl is growing up!

So . . . having a baby - I mean TODDLER! - that manages to find every little piece of everything on the floor and eat is means that having clean floors is a must. However, anyone who knows me knows that a combination of back/hip issues and a complete aversion to anything resembling housework means that this could present something of a problem for me. 

That said, my floors are not in the best shape.  SO - I did what any responsible parent would do - I hired someone to come and clean them for me.  She's coming on Wednesday.  At 9 o'clock in the morning.  This presents a problem.  As anyone who has ever lived with me can attest - I'm one of those people who is quite comfortable living in clutter. 

So, I need to clean my house before the person who is coming to clean my floors shows up - and I only gave myself 2 days to do it.  So today I worked my usual 8 hours, picked Cassidy up from Gram and Papa's house and brought her home to play a bit.   A little over an hour later I packed her, my briefcase, and her diaper bag up to head to a 2 + hour meeting.  So I brought her home (2 hours after her bedtime), read her a story and put her too bed - she's currently singing to herself despite the fact that she should be sleeping. 

So, I finally have time to clean and what am I doing?  Eating Doritos instead of dinner and writing on my blog while watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1) in the background.  Am I being productive - not so much, will I regret it tomorrow - very much. 

Being a grown-up is such a pain in the butt. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Ok, so I'm a terrible blogger.  It' been so long since I've posted that I can't even remember when it was without looking (which I didn't do).

So I'm going to give this another shot.

Cassidy is now officially a toddler.  She turned one 9 days ago and is getting so big!  Her birthday party was totally great and she dove into the cake like a seasoned professional. 

She's been walking for almost 2 months and is now starting to run.  I can't believe how fast she is!  Her latest thing is trying trying to say what we say.  Usually all we can pick up on is one sound (usually a vowel) from the word and the intonation.  It's hysterical to say the least.  She loves to be outside and we take her out as much as we can (when its not perpetually raining). 

Well, I could go on for hours, but it would be mostly nonsensical rambling so we'll pass on that. 

Hopefully this attempt around will be more successful.