Monday, April 18, 2011

Doritos, Harry Potter, and Housework

My little girl is growing up!

So . . . having a baby - I mean TODDLER! - that manages to find every little piece of everything on the floor and eat is means that having clean floors is a must. However, anyone who knows me knows that a combination of back/hip issues and a complete aversion to anything resembling housework means that this could present something of a problem for me. 

That said, my floors are not in the best shape.  SO - I did what any responsible parent would do - I hired someone to come and clean them for me.  She's coming on Wednesday.  At 9 o'clock in the morning.  This presents a problem.  As anyone who has ever lived with me can attest - I'm one of those people who is quite comfortable living in clutter. 

So, I need to clean my house before the person who is coming to clean my floors shows up - and I only gave myself 2 days to do it.  So today I worked my usual 8 hours, picked Cassidy up from Gram and Papa's house and brought her home to play a bit.   A little over an hour later I packed her, my briefcase, and her diaper bag up to head to a 2 + hour meeting.  So I brought her home (2 hours after her bedtime), read her a story and put her too bed - she's currently singing to herself despite the fact that she should be sleeping. 

So, I finally have time to clean and what am I doing?  Eating Doritos instead of dinner and writing on my blog while watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1) in the background.  Am I being productive - not so much, will I regret it tomorrow - very much. 

Being a grown-up is such a pain in the butt. 

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